Ms. Dang,
"Tom really enjoyed your presentation last night and the depth of your knowledge, conviction and Biblical reasoning. God had placed in our hearts before we had begun our family a conviction that it was our responsibility to raise them. With some planning, I ended my insurance career when Marissa was born. These convictions transferred into their education. Obediently, we followed, not understanding why, and going against the pressure to conform to society. God has blessed us, as we truly enjoy the time we are spending with them. With your guidance, we are understanding how they are a part of Gods greater plan. Truly, you have enlightened us with Gods hope for our family and others. We look forward to your monthly talks at our home in the coming year."
E. Beale
Foster City, CA
Ms. Dang,
Kathy Young
Ms. Dang,
I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, but often forget to check it for new
content. Is there any way you can add a feed to that section of your
website, or an option for an email notification?
Thank you for considering it.
This article might be of interest to you, also: http://lifenurturingeducation.com/2008/02/18/biblical-education-is-easy/
I wrote it in response to one of your blogs.
Thank you for your ministry of wisdom and encouragement.
Peace to you,
Renae Deckard
Ms. Dang,
"Another homeschooler alerted me to you new website. I am so excited to be able to read your biblical wisdom in such an easy format. Your words are encouraging and assist me in renewing my mind.
I usually go to your conference in
Peace to you,
Renae Deckard
Tyler, Texas
"Thank you for taking the time to spend with our family, and to encourage and exhort us in our homeschooling. We are thankful for your insights and instruction. We all enjoyed having you spend the day with us. We would like to ask and plan for another time in the near future, late January or early February, to have you work with our family again."
Kris Van Lieu
Clayton, CA
"It was so nice to hear back from you. Thank you for the information on where to find the resources I asked about in my last email. I printed off the order form. I will send it to you with payment to purchase a copy of A Guide to American Christian Education.
I will be in touch. It is so exciting to look ahead to school this year as I begin to focus on American Christian Education. God blessed me so much when He placed you in my path. Thank you for spending so much time ministering to so many parents who are in search of giving their children the best education within God's perfect plan."
R. Savel
Charlotte, N. C.
The classes were so refreshing and renewing. Although we have read some from the CHOC book, on Bradford's Plimoth Plantation, I felt like it was now a personal book to me. It's my history, my children's history, and the greatest legacy the Pilgrims could have left us. I will read more with joy and thanksgiving for the Principles they lived by, and the examples of God's love manifest in His Divine Protection for them. What a gift. Thank you for taking the care and preparation to lead the youth and us adults through this study. Your efforts are appreciated.
Our adult classes are a real treat. The subjects inform and give me reason for hope for the future of my nation and all nations."
Thank you again,
K. Welling
California City, CA
"Just in the last month, I've had two friends from church ask me about [P.A.*]. I met with one friend yesterday, and by God's grace, He helped me to articulate things simply for her. [Now] she is asking more questions with interest. I think a lot of why I was able to articulate things (which is often a challenge for me) is because I have been listening to your CD's.... God is bringing more understanding again. Thank you for your faithfulness to continue to teach God's truths and His ways."
L. Potratz
Kansas City, Kansas
*P.A. stands for Principle Approach