The Inspiration Inherent to American Christian Education


The Inspiration Inherent to American Christian Education

America is the "firstfruits" of the nations of individuals which should walk in that "newness of life" which Christ brought into the world."Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life," Romans 6:4.

This country of America is the political expression of the outworking of Gospel liberty at work within the life of the individual. Divine Providence planted Christ’s seed of individual liberty— the Word of God in the heart of the individual—and the subsequent individual self-government in the soil of the wilderness of America. Out of individual liberty and individual self-government grew the representative republic that is America. American Christian education is education for the creation and maintenance of representative republics. One may express the life-giving hope of American Christian education with three ideas:

1. There is but One God working, ruling and overruling, in all of the affairs of men and nations to bring liberty to the individual.

2. Self-government is the evidence in this world of the power of Christ in the life of the individual.

3. American Christian Education is the philosophy of education which specifically aims to cultivate the art of self-government, or the art of Biblical reasoning in the individual.

American Christian education is education for all men and nations.