To the Class of 2008 (Part 4 of 4)

Part 4: of a 4-part series

Graduates, were you not born for this time, that you might contribute to the bringing of individual self-government to the foreground of the current history of the world; that you might represent Christ and his form of government to the nations; that they might seek after Christ and find His form of freedom: individual liberty; that the world might acknowledge what power Christ is in the life of the individual American Christian; that nations might want, instead of our military and monetary aid, want our Christ who is the foundation of our liberty and self-government?

Today we are more concerned about which brand of socialism is better than another’s rather than being concerned for the quality of individual self-government which shall displace socialism in the future and coming generations. The cure for the American people’s growing tendency toward socialism is not in their electing political conservatives into public office. But rather, the cure and antidote are to be found within the American Christian, who first repents for his own socialism, for his not trusting Christ and His principles of self and civil government, who repents for his denying the power of Christ within his own life and living, and then to clean his own household of such unbelief.

History testifies that while individual self-government -- while Christ -- is in the earth, no socialism shall prevail and the claim of the inevitable victory of socialism is a pretentious impossibility. For, ". . . of the increase of his government," of the government of God’s Son, "there shall be no end." Christianity is power, not force; not of might in numbers but rather of internal strength, the strength of individual character and conscience.

Modern America has been separated from its own history for seemingly far too long. The controversies and challenges presently issuing from within the local and national spheres of civil government are the direct consequences of the American people’s ignorance -- willful or innocent -- of the principles which established this nation and which promote the greatest liberty for the individual and the greatest individual capacity for self-government that the world has ever known.

The generations immediately following after George Washington’s began to let go of their responsibility to maintain the liberty and independence for which their forefathers paid so dearly; those generations were found unworthy of their inheritance. Washington’s generation was uniquely prepared by Providence to establish the world’s first Christian republic, but we are learning that to maintain this republic, generations greater than Washington’s must arise. We rely upon the ruling and overruling work of Divine Providence to preserve you and make you worthy of your inheritance and fit you for the stewardship of our nation.

In the years just ahead of you, life’s experiences will deepen and widen that foundation so well laid by your parents. Build your lives well on this foundation. Your education is your enterprise. In faith complete what has been so faithfully begun by your parents. Your challenge is not to be neglectful and irresponsible of your Christian liberty as some of your fathers were; but, in the name of Christ’s liberty, your challenge is to put on the mantel and authority of Christian character and conscience that all the world within your sphere of influence may witness the power of individual self-government, of the power of Christ in the life of the individual, which is for His name’s sake.

You also, will be held accountable for the quality of civil government you leave behind; starting within your spheres of influence you will answer for how secure you have made your inheritance of individual liberty for your posterity. Is it unreasonable for you to think your generation ought to do better than the last? Your parents gave you more liberty than they ever experienced in their lives at your age. Rather than trusting in society, they trusted God for their earthly needs and for your education. Are you to do any less? Will you promise God to do anything less?

Now, each one of you, go and walk with Him independently dependent upon Him alone rejoicing. Govern and measure your lives by His Word. Live by the power of Christ in you. God who made you has prepared a place for you in this world. Look not on your shortcomings, inadequacies, and failings, but know only that God cannot fail in His good and wise purposes. Then some day, further down the road of your life, you shall look back over your shoulder to see that His goodness and mercy have followed you all the days of your life.

Graduates, please accept my sincere congratulations to you and your families and best wishes for a blessed future.